Friday, July 9, 2010

Blogs, Blogging and Blogger!

A Blog is basically a online journal or diary. The activity of updating a blog is called "blogging" and someone who keeps a blog is a "Blogger". Blogs are usally updated daily where the author Blogs about interesting topics happening in the world, general information or a particular area of interest. A Blog can comprise of text, images, hyperlinks, video, audio and other files. To create a Blog is free and anyone, anywhere can have one. Personally, I have had a Blog for one day and I have already learnt a lot from other students posting ideas, websites, videos, tips and tricks of the trade! Applying this tool in a classroom conext I think is a great way to get all students involved, activly learning and communicating ideas and understadings about the topic that is being focused on. Blogs are great for anyway you wish to use them!

Image Courtesy of


  1. Hi Kadee i love the whole look and layout of your blog. i agree with you blogs are great for the classroom and user friendly. Cant wait till your next entry Amanda

  2. Hi Kadee
    Thanks for making your blog so user friendly and interactive. It pointed out to me that having images really catches the readers eye and makes them interested in what is in your blog. It also gives a visual snapshot as to what to expect in your entry.
    Thanks for the tip, enjoy you blogging!
