Thursday, August 19, 2010


Get a Voki now!

Voki's are so much fun! I had no idea how interactive and engaging they are. Basiclly, Voki is a free service that allows you to create personalised speaking avatars and use them on your blog, profile, in email message or in the classroom. I have made a avatar who is a super hero called 'Zee girl' who can't remember how to save the world and it is up to the student's to write a what 'happens next' story. I would use this as a beginning hook tool for my student's to get involved, engaged and give them another element of interaction to experience. Voki's can be used with a number of subjects ranging from SOSE to Art and even Mathematics. You can use the voki as an aide to support the lesson and learning, student's I think will respond positively to the avatar and will want to make their own. It's fun, interesting, creative and most of all interactive and purposeful for the student's. I would defiantly implement this into my lessons and give student's the opportunity to use this digital tool.

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